Time For Spring Cleaning? or Fishing?

4/05/2012 Spring Time is here- for the most part

While we usually think of spring cleaning as a good idea each year, however, it seems like I have been doing a ton if it lately. So much so in fact, that there is not much left to clean, go through, thin out or merely just toss. So I am looking within for much of it this year. Little things like re do my website, decide do I want a blog- really- what would I write about? More importantly how am I going to progress though 2012 with my art. Which means more public time.

Currently I am working on increasing my art production in my studio. Not as easy as one thinks, it takes a lot of dedication, drive and ambition to survive the 12 hour gruel. Not always is it a 4 or 6 to 8 hour day. I spend countless hours each day looking and working on social media, email and text.  Once that’s done and you take a 15 minute break to get the circulation moving then it is studio time.

I find that the earlier I get up and get going the sooner I get to start the “Studio Time”. For me I force myself into the social media routine as I enjoy reading it but hate posting things to keep it current. So now adding a daily type post for folks here adds to the work but is a bit more enjoyable for me.Jims Fish

You will see many more posts here in the News section over the next few months as we hone down the number of places I am posting and see which gets more responses. The webmaster is looking to adding a blog and it will certainly streamline things around here and make it more interactive for you all. (We hope)

So hang on as we begin to document this journey.

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