We have been really busy getting all the works together and lined up to send to the event space for our show.
Getting little sleep and with the excitement building we are finally only a day away.
Reflecting back on this year, it has been a pretty wild ride. Meeting a ton of new people and gaining some wonderful new friends along the way. Many things have happened that have changed who I am in my art, but also as a human being. New grandchildren and spectacularly devastating wildfires here in Colorado, sure do make you appreciate what you have every day.

Two Woman Collaborative Art Show, “Progressive Work Of Dreams”
I hope that as we start this year off with the new show, that each of you will drop back by and see the new art when it is added after the unveiling of the show. We love your comments and the appreciation that you send us so often.
See you Friday night – hey that’s tomorrow, drop by First Night Art Walk and come on in and see us, we would love to have you there.