Casting for Conservation #102

Pebble Mine Topics- Mind boggling.

I just will not ever, ever, understand why we can  not get this right. I was reading this article and just somehow feel like no one is listening to those who know what is REALLY going on.

People choose to listen or ignore, then once ignored and damage or threat of life and limb comes to them, they choose to listen.

When we will ever get the point. Evidently the human race has not figured out how best to use the earths resources to the best of our ability with out wreaking havoc on the very source that gave us the resource to begin with. As a member of the human  race, I believe it is our duty to continue to do the work, research to make the process better before we use the resource, rather than figure out how to stop the damage we have created by jumping in too soon.

Pebble Mine folks, need to do the same. It is just not provable to be safe enough at this time in our development of these resources. Come back and try again when you can prove it is safe! Don’t keep asking when you have not done the background work. Being the tricksters has not gotten you any likes in this world in these days and times, People are smarter these days. this is not 1951!

Stop trying to ruin and burn up all the resources and life given to us to enjoy until you CAN GET IT RIGHT!


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