Art on Silk
Celebrating Fine Art on Silk, in wearable fashions, home decor and fine art. New work is added all the time.
- Pow Wow Dancers
- Blanket Dancers
- Summer Camp on The Plains 18 x 18
- Bucking Bull
- Oscar’s Velvet 1987
- Late Arrival
- The Dance Sandhill Cranes
- Virginia Dale Stage House
- Stage Surprise
- Tending The Fires
- Hunting Lodges
- The Artists Work
- Wind River Encampment
- Camp Ramona
- Camp of the Hunting Moon
- Chances Boots N Spurs – SOLD
- Custom Western Silk Scarves Both Mens and Womens
- Mare N Colt Scribble On Silk
- In The Shadows
- Rainbow Trout Skin
- Gold Speal Spey as tied by the artist Available
- Trout and Emperor Scribble on Silk 18x 24
- Morning In The Grove
- Hibiscus
- Pinwheel-Gardinia
- Summertime
- Passion Flower jao -SOLD
- Orchid-1-jao -SOLD
- Mesa Arch Sunrise 18×24 In. Orig. $650 Mounted, limited edition print series of 30 are available
- Custom Gifts and Hangings/ Wall Art
- Heart of the Farm Scarf
- Hibiscus Open
- Custom Seasonal Scarves
- Silk Painting Bear One
- Sun Bear
- Happy Blanket
- Gold Speal Spey
- Bear Hunter
- Kokapelli
- Peaceful Valley
- Summer Strength
- Winter Strength
- The Catch
- Running Fox
Andrsons interest in depicting truly American Art has been a life long journey. “With all of the series of paintings I create, the task is always to create several pieces that hold very bright and bold colors. The setting of the paintings depict the vast array of colors enjoyed on the northern plains and western mountains which the seasonal changes bring to the wildlife, and people who lived there and effects on their lives through out the year. I prefer to produce art by hand painting on silk, which allows the colors to pop, and provides a depth in the silk and transparency.
“Of all the mediums I have worked in, none has touched me as much as painting on Silk.” says Anderson. Her Mentor Karen Sistek, MSP- says, “There is something very unique about hearing the brush make that swish swish noise as it moves across that fabric.”
Anderson; “I feel exactly the same way! When I am painting on silk is like tying flies for me, what more fun could a girl ask for, silk and feathers, right? Painting on silk is not like anything else, using a canvas, board or paper product. You are painting on a stretched piece of silk in its natural state. Kind of like painting on a paper napkin with watercolor, there really is an art to this medium. You have to be able to tame it, and that takes hours of patience and practice. Fewer other mediums provide that type of challenge”
Please contact me if you would like more information about any of the art on silk found in the galleries. To make a purchase, discuss the commission process, and licensing or to sign up to learn the fine art on silk through classes or private instruction, please contact me directly\ using the Contact Form Page.
Find other products and works by the artist, on Fine Art America and you can view her artist website.
Many of the artists art on silk works are available in reproduction prints on Fine Art America where choices are available for greeting cards, fine art prints, canvas, metal prints, and other styles to choose from as well as matting and framing choices.
I hope you enjoy looking through all of my silk painting art pieces in the galleries and at all of the other mediums I enjoy working with.
Silk Art, Watercolor, Scratchboard, Oil Painting, Mixed Media
Enjoy, and I hope to see you along the river or my pallet soon, in the meantime, just go fish! Andy-
All content on this site is copyrighted © by Anderson R Moore All Rights Reserved.
Text and images may not be used without written permission.